Our Program
Vision: Our vision for the School Counseling program at Rossville Elementary is that every child will feel supported, valued, and empowered to reach their maximum potential as impactful citizens with a lifelong love of learning.
Mission: The Rossville Elementary School Counseling program strives to support the total wellness of our community by equipping students with strategies, knowledge, and skills necessary to manage emotions, relationships, and academics. Our focus on equity, high expectations, future goals, and the strengths of our students, will allow scholars to become impactful citizens and lifelong learners.
"Elementary school counselors are professional educators with a mental health perspective who understand and respond to the challenges presented by today's diverse student population." - American School Counselors Association
The School Counseling Program:
- Is for all students
- Is preventative in nature
- Is confidential and voluntary
- Addresses the academic, career and personal/social domains
- Encourages better interpersonal relationships
- Promotes positive attitudes and choices
- Helps students feel "safe" so they may concentrate on learning
What Do School Counselors Do?
We are here to help you and your student(s)! Here are some ways we can offer support:
- Individual Counseling: By teacher, parent or student self-referral, we work with students on anything impeding the learning process.
- Small Group Counseling: Also by referral, we work with students on various topics including, but not limited to: social skills, friendship skills, impulse control, anger management, worry/anxiety, grief, study skills, and changing families.
- Classroom Lessons: Monthly and by teacher request, we conduct lessons on various topics around the monthly themes of Resilience, Anti-Bullying, Relationship Skills, Personal Safety, Character, Celebrating Differences, Mindfulness, Coping Skills, and Careers.
- Consultation: We work with teachers and parents to understand and meet each individual students' needs.
- Coordination: We offer assistance in making use of community resources and referrals to outside agencies, including therapy with our partner Thrive Behavioral Services.
- Advocacy: We strive to support the rights of each individual child.
- Crisis Management: We offer support during times of trauma affecting individual students or the entire school community.