Talk to a Counselor

As it is difficult to learn when other worries and concerns are on students' minds, short-term individual counseling is available to ALL students in need at the request of the student, parent, or a staff member.  There is a mailbox outside of our office doors for students and teachers to place referral slips and students are educated about the referral process during the September guidance lesson.  Parents may refer a student by phone, e-mail, or in person. 

While students may see us at any time for brief discussions, parental permission is required prior to a series of planned sessions. All counseling interactions are confidential and will not be documented in the student's permanent school record. We strive to earn students' trust by letting them know "What's said in here stays in here;" however, in the case of a reoccurring issue or more serious concern we will communicate the pertinent information to the parent/guardian. Through individual counseling, students are able to express concerns in a safe environment where problem solving can then take place.

Individual Counseling Parameters: While individual counseling is an integral part of every school counseling program, parents should understand and be informed that it is not the role of a school counselor to act as an intensive, long-term therapist.  If a parent requests sessions of a weekly, structured, scheduled, manner; these sessions will be limited to no more than 6 sessions, after which we can provide referrals for outside therapy services.