Enrollment, Withdrawal, and Residency

How to find my zone school (Elementary, Middle and High):

A student’s zoned school is determined by the student’s home address. To determine which school serves a particular neighborhood, click on the school locator and enter the address where the parent/guardian and student reside.

How to enroll at Rossville ES:

To begin the registration process into Rossville Elementary School please email the student's name, grade student is entering and the name of the previous school to [email protected] and [email protected]

Upon receipt of this information, you will be emailed the necessary requirements to enroll your student.

If you have any questions, please call 443-809-8519.


How to withdraw from Rossville ES:

Email [email protected] and [email protected] with the student name and the name of the new school,  and a digital MD withdrawal packet will be created and sent to the parent’s email provided.

How to change the student’s address and they STILL reside in the Rossville zone:

Email the following documents to [email protected] and [email protected]

  • Your photo ID
  • Three pieces of mail showing your name, address and a date. The date must be within the last 60 days.
  • Your current lease or mortgage statement / deed.

If your new address is OUTSIDE of the Rossville Area, or you have any questions, please call 443-809-8519.


Updating Transitional Residency (Between May - August)

How to renew shared domicile:

Please email documents to [email protected] and [email protected]

How to verify residency for an outgoing 5th grader (until July 1):

Please email the following documents to [email protected] and [email protected]

  • Your photo ID
  • Three pieces of mail showing your name, address and a date. The date must be within the last 60 days.
  • Your current lease or mortgage statement / deed.

The Rossville Elementary School Main Office is open all year, with the exception of holidays and school office closings outlined in the BCPS calendar. Any other concerns not listed above, please call 443-809-8519 or email [email protected] and [email protected]. Voicemails and emails will be responded to within 24-48 business hours.